Jefferson County IDGenWeb is a free genealogical site about the history of the Idaho county.
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The reason for this project is to provide assistance for those who are looking for information on their roots and heritages and histories in Jefferson County, Idaho. If you are not able to find what you need now, please be patient, we will continue to add new information on a regular basis. Also, if you have any information that you want to share with others, contact me and we will add your important information.
County Coordinator: Kerry Ann Hawker
Jefferson County is part of the Upper Snake River Valley in southeast Idaho. It was established February 18, 1913. It was named in honor of Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States. The county was created from a portion of Fremont County.
"The first settlers were Mormons who moved into the area and constructed irrigation systems. Roberts, originally known as Market Lake was one of the earliest settlements in northeastern Idaho. The Utah and Northern Railroad was built through which is now Jefferson County in 1879, and Roberts was for years was the county's only railroad station. Earlier, Market Lake had been an important station on the stage and freight route between Salt Lake City and Virginia City, Montana. Other early settlements were Annis, 1878; Menan, 1879; Lewisville, 1880; and Lorenzo, 1889. Agricultural is the major industry of the county." -- Idaho Almanac, 1977 Edition, published by The Executive Office of the Governor, John V. Evans and The Idaho Division of Tourism and Industrial Development, State Capitol Building, Boise, Idaho.
The chief industries of Jefferson County include farming and the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory under the direction of the U.S. Department of Energy.
Rigby, the county seat, was named in honor of William Rigby, who was greatly responsible for bringing the railroad into the Upper Valley. Its most famous citizen was Philo T. Farnsworth, who was the first inventor of television while still a student at Rigby High School.
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